Ask Jonathan Santana, one of Tacolicious’s first employees, to sing while he mixes your cocktail, and he’ll belt out a song in Spanish or English, your choice—he’s fluent in both.
If it sounds like he’s about to make it big, you might be right. Jonathan, who’s been singing since he was seven, grew up in Mazatlan, Mexico, but moved to Oregon when he was 13, and then to the Bay Area when he was 23. Though he’s been trying to make it as a singer for a while, 2012 has been a big year for him. We’ve been watching with bated breathe as he’s battled it out on Tengo Talento—Mexico’s version of America’s Got Talent (with a higher ratio of cowboy hats).
Not only has Jonathan made it this far, but he’s now part of the top 10 finalists. The winner will be selected in the next month. We’re betting on him. Tune in on KTNC (channel 19 on Comcast) to watch.
While the kids ate dinner at the bar of Tacolicious tonight, Jonathan served while I made like I was Ryan Seacrest, asking Jonathan about what it’s like to be the next Mexican idol.
Who are your own idols?
Opera singer Andrea Bocelli and in Mexico, José José.
How often do you have to go down to Burbank, CA where you’re filming Tengo Talento?
I’m down there about two times a month.
What are some things the show requires of you?
I can’t drink for a year and I can’t go out for the five months. It’s really strict.
Wow! That’s crazy. [Note to self: Fame is not worth giving up margaritas.]
What’s been the hardest part of being on the show?
I think of myself as confident on the stage, but some people think it’s too much—that I’m cocky.
What’s been the best part?
Passing the first round. My family took me out to celebrate here for a lot of sushi.
What happens if you win?
I get a recording contract for five years and my own reality TV show.
If you get your own reality TV show, will you keep working at Tacolicious?
[No comment. Just a polite smile.]
Go Jonathan! To see videos of him singing, check out his new website here.