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a plate of cutted sandwiches

a plate of cutted sandwiches

And now a message from our sponsor:

It’s funny how different foods can quickly give you a sense of what to expect from a party: Crustless cucumber sandwiches pretty much make me yawn just looking at them(Or at best, let me know the use of my pinkie finger is about to come into play.) Spiral-cut ham? I send my regrets.

But tacos? Better yet—tacos with killer margaritas? Words need not be spoken.

Tacolicious is the key to your next recession-proof, all-you-can-eat taco party, wrapped up in a warm La Palma tortilla. We come to you, we make you very popular with your friends, we clean up and leave you with some money in your wallet and not a dish to do.

Contact Joe at for more information.